
scopesim_templates.calibration.lamp(waves, fwhm, fluxes) Source

Create a homogenous source with a spectrum of emission lines.

Emission line spectrum is superposed to a very faint continuum.

wavesnp.array, u.Quantity

a list or array of wavelengths

fwhmnp.array, u.Quantity

a list or array with the fwhm of the lines

fluxesnp.array, u.Quantity

a list or array with the fluxes of the lines


Create a Source lamp:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from scopesim_templates.calibration import lamp
>>> R = 20000   # Resolution of the instrument
>>> waves = np.arange(1e4, 2.7e4, 100)
>>> fwhm = 2.6*(waves/R)*np.ones(shape=waves.shape)  # Nyquist sampled
>>> flux = 1e-10*np.ones(waves.shape)
>>> src = lamp(waves=waves, fwhm=fwhm, fluxes=flux)